I’m not sure how else to describe this past weekend at motorcycle training as anything other than a magic act!

I’ve been dreaming of riding a motorcycle for three summers and I just couldn’t live through one more with that regret. The first step to fulfilling that dream: register for motorcycle training. I knew I would learn best in a controlled environment and that my confidence would be built upon important foundational skills.

This past weekend a miracle did, in fact, take place. I am the proud owner of a 2023 KTM Duke 200 and have been utterly terrified to leave my driveway. And turning, yeah ok. I didn’t have the confidence, the skill, or the knowledge to operate my motorcycle safely. Fast forward 48 hours and I just drove my motorcycle to work! A 20-kilometre trip, one way, without stalling, without falling, and maybe some jerky shifting. How is this even possible, you ask?

The answer is motorcycle training. I can’t say enough good things about my instructors this past weekend. Eugene, Paul, and Steve were superstars. They were encouraging, attentive, and skilled. It was the perfect combination of their skills and passion that transformed me into an actual rider.

The course gradually introduces riders to the motorcycle, which wasn’t overwhelming and allowed us all time to retain vital information. From learning acronyms like F.L.A.M.E and F.I.N.E.C.C to emergency stops, the foundational base they teach sets riders up for success.  

Mastering the friction zone was a large part of learning and evaluation. This method helped make clutch control so much easier and understanding how to operate my motorcycle at a low speed. The gentle dance between clutch, brake, and throttle made the course obstacles, weaves, and figure eights challenging but fun at the same time.

Learning in a group setting was an amazing experience. We were all rooting for one another and offering encouragement. We went there as strangers but left as part of a new community.  

If you have been thinking about giving motorcycling a try, I encourage you to register for a training course. Even experienced riders can benefit from it. In an extremely short amount of time I have become a more confident rider; equipped with some essential skills to stay safe while on the roads.

Although there is so much more to learn and mistakes are bound to be made, I am thankful for the training I received. My whole goal was to learn how to ride a motorcycle, to experience the freedom of two wheels and to do it in the safest way possible. Within 48 hours, that goal was achieved.

So remember this: take the training course, buy all the gear (I mean all of it), and explore your options before choosing your motorcycle. Make sure you buy an appropriately sized bike, make sure you can touch the ground, make sure you can comfortably handle the weight, make sure you can pick it up, make sure it’s the right fit.

For all my new riders, eyes up, look where you want to go, and safe riding.

Kelly Dowling is Centennial Auto Group’s Marketing & Events Manager and Centennial’s newest motorcycle rider.

Safety Services New Brunswick Motorcycle Training Program