What do you do if you want scooter drivability with motorcycle ergonomics? You take a seriously long look at the 2022 Honda Navi.

The Navi is the fourth bike in Honda Canadas' miniMOTO lineup, joining the Ruckus, Grom, and Monkey. Like a scooter, the Honda Navi uses a rear-mounted engine and a transmission that requires no shifting – there's no clutch; no shift lever. Like the Grom and Monkey, the Navi's rider straddles the seat with feet on pegs. In the engine department, however, the Navi is a different breed: it doesn't use the Ruckus's 49cc single-cylinder powerplant nor the 125cc engine from the Grom and Monkey. The 2022 Navi's engine is a 109cc designed for extraordinarily long-term use. 

It's a stable ride, too, thanks to a long 1,285mm wheelbase. With a low seat height of 765mm (30 inches), the Honda Navi is designed for virtually any rider. It's also a lightweight unit at just 235 pounds. There's a big storage compartment below the fuel tank, and that storage compartment can be removed for a real naked bike feel. 

But there's another big difference between the 2022 Honda Navi and other bikes. It's priced at just $2,299. 

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